Shuttle provides tips on how to search successfully for modern IT solutions for classrooms, libraries, teaching rooms and offices. As well as the traditional criteria such as computing power and memory capacity, the focus in the education sector should also be on a few more features.
Low-noise PC systems create a pleasant learning and working environment. This is because high levels of concentration and performance are very difficult to achieve with fans whirring away. With the XPC slim DS10 family, Shuttle offers a model line that does not feature any moving parts such as a fan. These are known as passively cooled solutions. The noise level then really is in the inaudible range. Another positive benefit that should be highlighted is the low maintenance because, where there are no turning parts, there is also no need to perform checks and expensive repairs. And even the amount of dust that is swirled up is reduced because no fan is used.
Shuttle is regarded as the pioneer when it comes to compact PC solutions. The manufacturer unveiled its first Mini-PC back in 2001, and at the time launched (literally) a mini revolution that still shows no sign of stopping. Space-saving PCs can now be found at many well-equipped workstations. They are more than a match for their big brothers and users are very quickly impressed. The XPC slim NC10 family, for example, measures just 14 × 14 × 4 cm and provides users working at a desk with a lot more free space than they would have using a traditional PC. The Shuttle Mini-PCs are in fact completely hidden from the view of students and teachers thanks to the VESA mount which allows Shuttle PCs to be mounted behind suitable monitors.
When they are operating, modern devices consume well below 10 watts and reduce the overall power consumption of newly equipped, heavily used rooms by several hundred kilowatt hours a month. These developments are good for the environmental footprint and for the utility bill.
These days there is no need to compromise on hardware and software configurations. This is because finished machines with a defined specification rarely satisfy the individual requirements of the situations that are found in the roughly 50,000 educational institutions in Germany. Shuttle supplies PC systems with individual equipment specifications, taking account of what the users want.